Monday, 30 November 2009

The German Pastor

No, Nico is not guilty of murder or spreading a disease. He only gave tomato juice and that doesn’t make any harm to a human body (unless you’re allergic). On the other hand he is guilty of mislead people and scare them. I think that it would be fair if he would be punished, but not by hanging. But it would be difficult to punish him, unless Gordon Brow makes it illegal to lie and then put him to prison or let him hang.

Saturday, 28 November 2009

The Student Dinner

Student "dinner" with Chris

- Whoah! A dance show! Wait a minute, it's only old people "dancing".

- Please, save us from this sight!

Evi: - I know her!
Ilana: - I'm to short to see and it's cold!

- Let's go back to the pub!

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Nikita's Problem

I’m wondering about how Lau can be certain that if he wins then Nikita will lose the right to enforce the contract. Since it’s not mention in the text I’m not sure about it. However I think that Nikita made the mistake.

The mistake that I found in this complex situation is that if Nikita sues Lau, then Lau doesn’t have to defend himself. So if Nikita lose then he doesn’t get any money because Lau didn’t win his first court. Lau’s lawyer won the case, not Lau.

If Nikita would win then you maybe think that he should get his money from Lau. The original agreement says that he only have to pay until and unless he wins his first court. Then he doesn’t have to pay because he lost the case. So as long as Lau doesn't win any court himself, he doesn't have to pay acording to the agreement.

Nikita took a risk when he gave a offer like that and now he doesn’t get paid.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

An Unexpected Exam

Is it possible to have an unexpected exam? (related to the text that Chris gave us 24.11.09)

Of course it’s possible to have an unexpected exam. You just have to keep quiet and make sure that no-one knows it. Don’t mention to the student’s that they will have an unexpected exam because then it’s expected. But if you mention it anyway, then you still can give the exam but it will not be a surprise anymore, because a surprise is something that you can’t se coming. If the students will complain that it’s not a surprise and therefore you cannot give them the test, then they’re right. It’s not a surprise anymore, but as a teacher you shouldn’t care about that and give them the exam anyway and explain that they should be glad that they were warned so they could at least prepare.

Monday, 23 November 2009

Escaping the death and judge Stella

Escaping Death

Now Judge Stella had been doing the job for 20 years. In that time she had had many disagreeable, violent people in front of her. However Stella was made of stern stuff. She had never hesitated in sending people to the gallows. “Der Teufel steckt im Detail. “ she used to say – as she sent a prisoner to his death…

The prisoner she saw today was the worst, though. This prisoner was called ‘Rob-the-Philosopher’.
Stella didn’t know much about philosophy – and the title of this prisoner annoyed her.
Stella said: 'I intend to teach you the value of honesty, prisoner. You have been found guilty of being a crook and a swindler and of repeatedly and systematically lying to the court to try to save your wretched skin. Well, justice has caught up with you now, my friend. The sentence of this court is . . .' (here Stella pauses for effect and dons a pair of black gloves and a little black hat) ' . . that you be taken from here to a place of execution and hanged by the neck until you are dead.

. . . BUT, as I am a magnanimous Judge, I shall give you one more opportunity to learn the value of truth. If, on the day of your execution, you sign a statement making one true declaration, the sentence will be commuted to ten years imprisonment. If, on the other hand, your statement is, in the view of the Chief Executioner, false, the sentence will be carried out immediately. And I warn you,' Stella adds, seeing his words having no effect on the crook, 'the Chief is a member of the Logical Positivist Executioners' Club and will dismiss any metaphysical nonsense as false, so don't try any of your tricks on her! There, now you have one day in which to make your choice!'

At this the jury of Eric and Richard, Veronika, Nico, Abraham, Karla, Lau, Celina (now recovered), Vitoria, Andres, Ignacia, and Lau applauded at the severity of the sentence and everyone in the courtroom looks at the defendant, pleased to see such a villain get a heavy sentence, coupled with the humiliating public true declaration. But, strangely, the Philosopher just smirks back as he is led away to Death Row.
The day of the execution arrives and the crook, beaming, signs a declaration which is handed to the Chief Executioner who reads it with growing bewilderment. Then, snarling, she crumples it up and orders the Philosopher be released, with no penalty whatsoever to be ~imposed.

What could the prisoner have said in the statement to have saved himself?
(Copywrite Chris)

Something that ”Rob-the-Philosopher” knew for certain was that he was trying to think of something that’s true. It’s a little bit like “I’m thinking, therefore I know that I exist”

Also you know things that you have experienced or seen with your own eyes. You can’t doubt everything; you have to trust yourself and what you see. The apple will fall down to the ground, and that’s true.

If you’re standing on the earth and you drop an apple, you know it’s going to fall down because you’ve seen it and you’ve been thought so in school. What we learn in school is a different kind of knowledge because the things that we learn have been changed over the time when we get new evidence and proof that we decide we believe more in.

What I think that the prisoner wrote something like “It’s true that I’m trying to think of something that’s true”.

Theory Of Knowledge

This is a post for Theory Of Knowledge (TOK). I have to rearange my blog so i don't have to make a new one for every subject that i will have with Chris.

Well I’m just going to write my answers to the questions without writing any introduction or the question it self.

My answer for question number one is that we have to believe what we see and experience clearly with our own eyes and mind. We can’t doubt everything; it would make us go crazy. I understand it from the text that he doesn’t see the cow very clearly, it says that he only recognised her from the distance. I would say that that he doesn’t really know, because it could be a case of mixed identity

But was he right to way that he knew she was?
No because he fought someone/something else was his cow. How knew that the subject that he fought was his cow was in the field, but he didn’t knew if it is his dear cow Doris or not.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Break even analysis

Total revenue

Total revenue is the when you multiply the output with the selling price. It tells you how much money you will get in.

Unit contribution

It’s the profit you make for each unit that you sell (before subtracting the fixed cost). To count this out you have to take the selling price and subtract it with the variable cost.

Total contribution

This is the profit you make for selling all of your units before you subtract the fixed cost. To count out the total contribution you have to take the variable cost and multiply it with the output.


The break even point is when something starts to be profitable. It’s when you got all your money back that you invested. You can count out when the break even by taking the fixed cost and divide it by the unit contribution (see in the beginning of this post).


The profit is what you earn, the money you get extra from your business. The opposite of “profit” is “loss”.
There are two ways of counting out the profit. The first one is total contribution (variable cost x output) – fixed cost. The other one is total revenue (output x selling price) – total cost (variable cost x output + fixed cost). I prefer the first one because for me it’s easier.